The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Landscape Art Legacy: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School' Webinar

The Landscape Art Legacy: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School' Webinar

Join New York Adventure Club as we embark on a journey through mid-19th-century American landscapes — works that established an international reputation for American art. From the first European encounters with Native Americans, the American identity was profoundly linked with the land. Landscape art may seem to be straightforward and beautiful depictions of nature, but by the 19th century, Hudson River School artists filled their work with philosophical and political meaning — with a vision for the future of the nation. It's time to dive into the paintings and photographs that tell complex, coded stories reflecting both the challenges and greatness of our country.

Time: 18:00 BST

Walking Festival of Sound: Artist Walks / Barry Truax

Walking Festival of Sound: Artist Walks / Barry Truax

Shrubs of Distinction' by John Negus

Shrubs of Distinction' by John Negus