The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Walking Festival of Sound: Artist Walks / Barry Truax

Walking Festival of Sound: Artist Walks / Barry Truax

WFOS welcomes long standing soundscape composer Barry Truax for an artist talk on Soundscape Composition as a form of Soundwalking. Soundwalking, as a key methodological component of soundscape practice, also forms one of the main influences for soundscape composition, whether of the more naturalistic, phonographic approach, or the abstracted variety where more overt sound processing is involved. Soundwalking experience can inform the structure of a soundscape composition by appearing to move the listener through a physical acoustic space, or in other cases, through a foreshortened time frame. From the relatively crude simulations of the World Soundscape Project in the 1970s, to today’s use of sophisticated digital processing, this presentation will provide examples of soundwalking inspired soundscape works, including the Truax's recent piece Rainforest Raven.

Time: 18:00 BST

Flowers for the House: The Story of the Cutting Garden by Catherine Horwood

Flowers for the House: The Story of the Cutting Garden by Catherine Horwood

The Landscape Art Legacy: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School' Webinar

The Landscape Art Legacy: Thomas Cole & The Hudson River School' Webinar