The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World

Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World

Professor @peterarnds of @trinitycollegedublin will be discussing his latest book, 'Wolves at the Door'. Situated at the junction of literature, politics, and ecocriticism, Wolves at the Door traces the history of the wolf metaphor in discussions of race, gender, colonialism, fascism, and ecology. How have 'Gypsies', Jews, Native Americans but also 'wayward' women been 'wolfed' in literature and politics? How has the wolf myth been exploited by Hitler, Mussolini and Turkish ultra-nationalism? How do right-wing politicians today exploit the reappearance of wolves in Central Europe in the context of the migration discourse? And while their reintroduction in places like Yellowstone has fuelled heated debates, what is the wolf's role in ecological rewilding and for the restoration of biodiversity?

Time 13:00 BST

The Lovely Loquat

The Lovely Loquat

Field Gentian Recovery Project Webina

Field Gentian Recovery Project Webina