The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Field Gentian Recovery Project Webina

Field Gentian Recovery Project Webina

A webinar giving an overview of the current status of Field Gentian in England and Wales, plus details on its ecology & conservation.
A pre-recorded webinar outlining:The taxonomy and identification of Field Gentian/Its current status in England and Wales/Survey techniques/Site management and habitat restoration - what we know so far
Field Gentian is fast disappearing from many of its sites in England and Wales, and we are working to increase awareness of its status, as well as trial and circulate habitat management techniques to help reverse its decline.
There is also a huge amount we do not understand about its lifecycle, and we are keen to keep gathering knowledge from practitioners who are working on it at the site level.
Time; the webinar will be preview on YouTube at 10:00, followed by a live Q&A chat at 11:35am. Details will be sent out a few days before the event

Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World

Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World

(Re)imagined Landscapes Symposium

(Re)imagined Landscapes Symposium