The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Virtual Tour - City Gardens of The Blitz

Virtual Tour - City Gardens of The Blitz

Discover the delightful, gardens of the @cityoflondon, created from bomb sites of the Second World War. This virtual walk spans the length of the City, revealing the history of past industrial buildings where stood former Sir Christopher Wren churches, livery halls, Roman ruins and the site of a Roman bath house. It ends at the beautiful garden of St Dunstan in the East.
This is a live virtual tour hosted via Zoom video conferencing where your guide will give an illustrated presentation of the tour route with an accompanying talk. There will be opportunities for questions and interaction both during and after the virtual tour.

Time: 11:00 BST

Designs on Victory: Olmsted-inspired Garden City Plans for Historic Dundalk

Designs on Victory: Olmsted-inspired Garden City Plans for Historic Dundalk

Open Day - Hemerocallis

Open Day - Hemerocallis