The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Designs on Victory: Olmsted-inspired Garden City Plans for Historic Dundalk

Designs on Victory: Olmsted-inspired Garden City Plans for Historic Dundalk

Amy E. Menzer discusses the design and development of WWI Era Historic Dundalk. The Bethlehem Steel Mill at Sparrows Point launched an effort to create a Garden City-style town in 1917 just before the US entered WWI. At the same time, the Federal Government began housing production for war workers. Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. (FLO Jr.) headed the Town Planning division of the new United States Housing Corporation. Several colleagues in the nascent profession of city planning who had worked with FLO Jr. on Roland Park and Forest Hills Gardens were all directly involved in designing Dundalk, including Baltimore architect Edward Palmer, Roland Park Company leader Edward Bouton, and architects Grosvenor Atterbury and Charles Wellford Leavitt. Their plans were inspired by their designs for more affluent areas, including curvilinear streets, separation of uses, green spaces, and restrictive covenants. We will explore how these plans created a new community for workers and managers, but was segregated by race.
Time: 18:00 BST

@bmorearchitecture @dundalkusa

Nature by Design: Freakological Fallacies

Nature by Design: Freakological Fallacies

Virtual Tour - City Gardens of The Blitz

Virtual Tour - City Gardens of The Blitz