The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation?

How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation?

Workshop to explore how agroforestry can contribute towards the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and the policy options that can support the realisation of these benefits.
How can agroforestry contribute to the achievement of future targets and what policy environment can support it? We will explore this question with a panel representing the latest research, on-farm experience, and policy developments, followed by an open discussion for all attendees to input on issues and shape the development of a policy guide on the subject.
Confirmed speakers:
Tom Staton – Researcher at the University of Reading, will discuss how agroforestry influences natural enemy and pollinator biodiversity.
Carolyn Richards - Devon-based farmer, will discuss her own experiences of developing silvopasture with a view to better managing her herd and enhancing biodiversity.
Helen Chesshire – Senior Farming Advisor for the Woodland Trust, @chesshire_helen, will talk on how policy can help agroforestry achieve biodiversity goals.

Time: 14:00 BST

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