The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Using Remote Sensing in your historic designed landscapes research

Using Remote Sensing in your historic designed landscapes research

Most of us are used to consulting the ‘usual’ sources - maps, documents and images - when it comes to researching an historic park, garden or other designed landscape. We might not, however, consider using remote sensing to help us understand what remains, perhaps thinking that this is reserved for projects with a big budget. Keith Challis, Remote Sensing Co-ordinator at the @nationaltrust, will introduce us to some of the most useful and accessible remote sensing methods for interpreting designed landscapes: lidar, geophysics, aerial photography and drones. He’ll explain where to find existing material or commission surveys and how we can use each of these non-invasive methods to discover a wealth of new information about landscape remains at and below the surface. This talk is part of the @thegardenstrust series on researching and recording historic designed landscapes and, whilst aimed at volunteers in the County Gardens Trust, is open to all with an interest in understanding and conserving our wonderful parks and gardens.

Time: 14:00 BST

Appalachian Experience: Roots in Appalachia- Ginseng in Western NC

Appalachian Experience: Roots in Appalachia- Ginseng in Western NC

Other Voices in Garden History - Discussion Panel

Other Voices in Garden History - Discussion Panel