Earth Day Symposium 2021: Climate Change
A day that brings awareness to and encourages people to engage with environmental issues. Hosted by the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Renée Lertzman - How Psychology can Turn Anxiety About Climate Change into Climate Action. Dr. Mark Nuttall - Climate Change and Community-Based Monitoring in Northern Greenland. Dr. Marc Roussel - How do greenhouse gases warm the planet?. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute - Jordan Bell - Citizen Science and the NatureLynx App. Oldman Watershed Council - Shannon Frank - Local impacts of climate change and what you can do about it. Environment Lethbridge - Kathleen Sheppard - Climate Adaptation: Strengths, Gaps and Priorities in Lethbridge. Dr. Jenny McCune - Are plants moving up the mountainsides? Testing for effects of climate change on Waterton Lakes plant communities. Graduate Student - Tristan Raposo - Energy and Policy: Our Electrical Future and the Path Ahead. Dawson Lehmann - Bees, Waste, and Existential Guilt: An Undergraduate’s Perspective on Sustainability. Full details of Symposium speakers, topics and times on
Time: 15:45 BST