The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.



Compost. Kathrin Böhm: Turning the Heap at @theshowroomlondon 16 June – 24 July 2021; open Wednesday-Saturday, 12-5pm
Compost is a unique collaborative exhibition that explores twenty years of artist @k_athrinbohm practice. For six weeks throughout June and July 2021, a cumulation of objects and methodologies fills the gallery space at The Showroom, opening up an invitation to contribute to a process of fertiliser-making in collaboration with Kathrin: to sieve through, to assess, to archive, and to reformulate her practice through making use of her methods of production; working one-to-one, collaboratively, and in public.
Kathrin Böhm will be working on-site at The Showroom daily throughout Compost; and in a synthesis of spatial, visual, social and economic processes, the collective act of composting will be organised around principles of usership, accessibility, and enacting modes of economic and cooperative sustainability; all guided by an urgent sense of discontinuing ‘business as usual’.
For Böhm, Compost in the form it takes at The Showroom has been in-the-making for many years, stemming from a deep desire to not just produce, but to process and to carefully consider what to do next: what to continue, what to leave behind, and the need for fundamental shifts grounded by an acknowledgment of our entangled interdependence.
There will be a maximum capacity of ten visitors in the exhibition space at The Showroom at any one time to enable Covid-safe conditions.

Balsam pulling down in Queen Elizabeth Field near Ham House

Balsam pulling down in Queen Elizabeth Field near Ham House

Empire and Ecologies Online Conference

Empire and Ecologies Online Conference