The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

April Fool’s Day Quiz at Garden Masterclass

April Fool’s Day Quiz at Garden Masterclass

Looking for some April foolery? Look no further, we have gathered a few our friends for our @gardenmasterclass have gathered a few friends for an April Fool’s Day Quiz! It’s free to take part in the quiz, all they ask is that you kindly make a donation to @perennialgrbs - they will have a just giving link on our Thursday Garden Chat page. Great James Alexander Sinclair, Advolly Richmond, Mark Diacono, Roxy Hardy and others.

Time 18:00 BST

A Feminist's Guide To Botany: Online Botanical Painting Session

A Feminist's Guide To Botany: Online Botanical Painting Session

Landscape Seminar: Kate Orff: ‘Toward an Urban Ecology’

Landscape Seminar: Kate Orff: ‘Toward an Urban Ecology’