The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Rivington Terraced Gardens: Past, present and future

Rivington Terraced Gardens: Past, present and future

Rivington Terraced Gardens were created on a barren Lancashire hillside by the soap giant William Hesketh Lever (Lord Leverhulme) as a weekend retreat. Neglected after Lever's death for many years they have long been a favourite place for many. This talk tells a little of the Gardens' history and how recent efforts have been made to secure their future as a magical place for all.
The talk will be given by Graham Gough who is a volunteer at the Rivington Terraced Gardens and is also vice-Chair of the Friends of Rivington Terraced Gardens.

Time: 19:30 BST

James Corner on Why Public Spaces Need Creativity and Design

James Corner on Why Public Spaces Need Creativity and Design

Changing Attitudes to Open Space: Rediscovering Streatham's Stream Garden

Changing Attitudes to Open Space: Rediscovering Streatham's Stream Garden