The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

How reliable is the "green" in green infrastructure?

How reliable is the "green" in green infrastructure?

There is great current interest and creativity in the creation of green infrastructure to address a range of challenging and expensive environmental problems from costal resilience to control of combined sewer overflows. The appeal of green infrastructure is that it is often less expensive than traditional constructed "grey" infrastructure and it provides multiple benefits such as biodiversity, aesthetics, and carbon sequestration. However, while highly engineered grey infrastructure has detailed design specifications and reliability specifications, these are largely undeveloped for green infrastructure. In this NYBG talk, Dr. Peter Groffman, City University of New York, will review some of the potential applications of green infrastructure in modern environmental science and discuss how concerns about reliability need to be addressed to realize the potential of this new approach.

Time 17:00 EST / 22:00 BST

The Jewel Box: How Moths Illuminate Nature’s Hidden Rules

The Jewel Box: How Moths Illuminate Nature’s Hidden Rules

The Birds and the Bees: Queer Ecology of the Royal Parks

The Birds and the Bees: Queer Ecology of the Royal Parks