The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Neighborhood-Based Landscapes: Inclusivity and Economic Recovery in Detroit

Neighborhood-Based Landscapes: Inclusivity and Economic Recovery in Detroit

Vacant and public land often exhibits a destabilizing force on neighborhoods. But it also presents a great opportunity for communities to activate green space as platforms for
their own aspirations. This session will explore active community design projects in Detroit that put residents in the driver seat. This type of approach, one that fosters community self-determination and influence over the built environment, can result in landscapes that support more cohesive communities. Alexa Bush & Ujijji Davis Williams will link these projects to emerging definitions behind landscape reconciliation and the expansive roles of landscape architectsin achieving reparative justice. Finally, discuss the advantages and challenges of community involvement in landscape design, inclusivity, and other related topics.

Time: 18:00 BST

Urban Ecology and the Role of Nature in our Future Cities

Urban Ecology and the Role of Nature in our Future Cities

RHS Hilltop: 30 years of gardening for bats

RHS Hilltop: 30 years of gardening for bats