The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Altered Landscape - Online Artist Talk with Tracey Thorne

Altered Landscape - Online Artist Talk with Tracey Thorne

Altered Landscape is a new series of work by Tracey Thorne which traces the footsteps of her father who was a Cornish miner to explore the impact of decades of mining on the land in Cornwall.
The work explores the 'familiar' through a set of found objects that were discovered in 2011 when her father died. It provides opportunity to seek new meaning bridging the gap between memory and reality.
Using these found photographs and some old mining documents this led to an exploration and revisiting of mining sites in two of Cornwall’s mining districts around; Gwennap and the Camborne and Redruth area. In response to this the artist made a new body of work which explores mining through the context of her own life and interest in environmental issues. The work seeks to look at the way mining has changed the topography of the land, issues relating to water pollution and land use.

Time: 16:00 BST

Stress-Adapted Native Plant Communities as Templates for Highly Disturbed Landscape Sites

Stress-Adapted Native Plant Communities as Templates for Highly Disturbed Landscape Sites

Green Man Festival

Green Man Festival