The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Women in Botany

Women in Botany

Heather Lindon worked on the International Plant Names Index at Kew for 8 years. During that time she realized they could use the extensive plant name author index to uncover often hidden stories of women botanists. Join her to find out more. Through this work they were able to establish the earliest woman plant name author with her remarkable story of elopement, debt, love and botany. They uncovered other early women botanists and determined who were the most prolific namers of plants. One of the surprising finds is that one women on the top ten list is still active in botany today. More recently they asked top publishing women in the world of plants and fungi to share their stories of their experiences working in science as a way of inspiring other young botanists. This talk will explore the stories of some of these early women botanists and those who have made a large contribution to the field of plant nomenclature.

Time: 19:00 GMT

Phytogenesis: entanglements in more-than-human worlds

Phytogenesis: entanglements in more-than-human worlds

Dundreggan: History of a Rewilding Adventure

Dundreggan: History of a Rewilding Adventure