The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

WFoS 2021 Opening Event & Performance / Transference

WFoS 2021 Opening Event & Performance / Transference

Walking Festival of Sound is a transdisciplinary, nomadic event exploring the role of walking through and listening to our everyday surroundings. It combines a number of free events including walking performances, walking seminars, listening sessions, and artist talks which take place in diverse offline and online spaces. Walking Festival of Sound facilitates a meeting point for an international network of practitioners and researchers interested in sound and walking in an expanded context. Through diverse events we explore how walking and listening practices can augment and challenge the way we perceive, mediate, navigate through, and care for our shared environments.

Transference, the opening performance of the Walking Festival of Sound, takes the audience for simultaneous walks in Kraków and Edinburgh, two cities historically bound by a twin city partnership. Separated by a distance of approximately 2000 km, two soundwalkers embark on unscripted strolls in their respective neighbourhoods. While walking in isolation from each other, network technology brings their visually and aurally mediated movements together. It assembles them on one screen, accessible via a live-stream for the viewers and listeners who could technically be located in any possible proximity to the soundwalkers. Sounds from the walkers' mobile phones are processed in real-time by two other people separated by a distance of approximately 1800 km. The resulting soundscapes are transferred back into the video stream from the soundwalkers.

Time:16:00 BST

Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf Film Screening

Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf Film Screening guide to the week 5-11 April 2021 guide to the week 5-11 April 2021