The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Restoring London's Rivers

Restoring London's Rivers

Find out what has been done in recent years to restore London’s rivers and improve access to nature. Where has river restoration taken place? What are the success stories? What benefits has this brought in terms of biodiversity, climate resilience and wellbeing? What are the key challenges and where are the future opportunities to continue river restoration in London?
The discussion will be informed by new mapping of river restoration which has recently been carried out by GiGL - Greenspace Information for Greater London.
Hosted by CPRE London as part of London Rivers Week with experts Dave Webb from the Environment Agency, Mathew Frith from the London Wildlife Trust, Jamie Kukadia from the LB of Enfield, Petra Sovic Davies from the SE Rivers Trust, and John Miles from the Haringey Rivers Forum. Chaired by Neil Sinden, Director of CPRE London.

Time: 13:00 BST

Design and build of inclusive and sustainable water attractions

Design and build of inclusive and sustainable water attractions

Garden Archaeology - Eavestone Lakes

Garden Archaeology - Eavestone Lakes