The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

This Week 16-22 August 2021

This Week 16-22 August 2021

This week hear about little known gardens at Streatham's Stream Garden @ FOLAR and Rivington Terraced Gardens @ Bolton Archaeology and Egyptology Society; for tree fans there’s On the origins of old growth @ University Of Melbourne, Faculty of Science ; Planting design about Stress-Adapted Native Plant Communities as Templates for Highly Disturbed Landscape Sites @ NDAL; Unearthed: Photography's Roots exhibition Dulwich Picture Gallery; colonial histories in Landscapes of Whiteness: Visions of Nature from the 1830s – 1930s @ Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, and White Skin, Black Fuel: Fossil Fascism and Colonialism's Inky Legacy Haymarket Books; Justice for the Oceans @unswcentreforideas; Plant Fair @plantheritage; and catchup with landscape architect James Corner of Field Operations talking about design @ ReSite, and nature writer Robert Macfarlane chooses his castaway tunes on BBC Desert Island Discs. Check it out! All deets on individual posts.

Hugo Rittson-Thomas - Wildflowers For The Queen

Hugo Rittson-Thomas - Wildflowers For The Queen

The Roots of Plant Intelligence

The Roots of Plant Intelligence