The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Scotland: Choose rewilding

Scotland: Choose rewilding

The Scottish Rewilding Alliance launches its new film Choices, which asks what the future is for Scotland.
Standing at a crossroads. We have to ask ourselves, do we choose to have a better relationship with nature?
Do we choose to expand our natural pine forests into huge areas of trees, shrubs and wildflowers - a place full of bird song and wild animal tracks?
Do we choose to have flower rich meadows in our towns and cities and create places where our children can develop, explore and play?
Do we choose oceans teaming with countless fish, whales and dolphins – full of food and supporting coastal communities who rely on nature for their living?
We choose rewilding, where the rich tapestry of Scotland’s nature is stitched back together, allowing wildlife to flourish.

Time: 19:00 BST

Uprooting the Anthropocene

Uprooting the Anthropocene

Acoustic Identification - Noctule, Leisler's & Serotine

Acoustic Identification - Noctule, Leisler's & Serotine