The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Unforgetable Gardens: Sutton Place

Unforgetable Gardens: Sutton Place

Sutton Place is a Grade I Tudor mansion with a Grade II* Registered Garden, four miles north of Guildford, on rising ground in the crook of the River Wey, with some input from Gertrude Jekyll.
Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe to designed new gardens in 1980 as part of an immense project, inspired by psychology, symbolism and Renaissance and Modern Art. It was only partially implemented, but Jellicoe’s surviving plans and writing are evidence of his imaginative and exciting ideas. He saw the design as an allegory of Creation, Life and Aspiration. Although Sutton Place is closed to visitors, it remains an important Surrey Garden. Those who have experienced it have found it truly unforgettable. It will be discussed by Cherrill Sands, a garden historian with an MA in the Conservation of Gardens, Landscapes & Parks from the Architectural Association, and the Historical Consultant for Painshill in Surrey.

Time: 18:00 BST

St Paul's Walden Bury Garden Open

St Paul's Walden Bury Garden Open

Visit to Ham House and Garden

Visit to Ham House and Garden