The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

This Week on 18-24 Oct 2021

Hello all! Let’s hope that plants can bring us together this week. We start with The Gardens Trust and a talk about Geoffrey Jellicoe's landscapes at the Cadbury Factory at Moreton; Followed by Fantastic Ferns; leading on to The Beauty of the Wild: Darrel Morrison hosted by the New York Botanical Gardens; Staying in New York the Pratt School of Architecture host an online panel discussing one of New York City’s newest and most dynamic parks, Little Island; we look at agroforestry and discuss whether it can contribute towards biodiversity conservation, with the Organic Research Centre; Through to Jenks’ Crawick Multiverse — a visual talk through a unique universe (and it really is!); We find the lost value in our rubbish and everyday things with the Design Museum; Move onto Catherine Horwood on Retro Houseplants and What We Can Learn From Them; and then over to Essex at the Weekend as RHS Hyde Hall host the Alpine Garden Society National Show and we wrap up with thehub.Earth Co-Curator Darryl Moore as he explores how to develop creative approaches towards greening the city, through using plants in innovative and unusual ways including pocket parks and temporary installations. Hosted by Garden Masterclass.

All details on individual posts.

Jellicoe - A Factory Garden: The Serpents of Moreton Marsh

Jellicoe - A Factory Garden: The Serpents of Moreton Marsh

Plants That Need Winter Preparation

Plants That Need Winter Preparation