The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

This Week on 1-7 November 2021

This Week on 1-7 November 2021

It’s November people! That means the clocks have gone back, Bonfire night, cinder toffee and scarves! What have we curated for you on these darker and longer evenings? Let’s start with David Rubin bringing the “third spaces” between home and work to our attentions with NYBG; The Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh bring together two artists to discuss their environmental art and what the new ethics for the care of our lands can be; Doug Tallamy talks about OAKS!!; we look at Wildflower communities around London with the SLBI;  Landstory tell us how to bring back the Beaver!; this weeks’ National Collection is of Viticella Clematis!; The importance of Orchards as one of the most biodiverse ecosystems left in the UK; Foraging for Regeneration at Great Dixter; And most fitting this week as the UK government sanctions the pumping of raw sewage into the fresh waters and coastal areas of the UK, we look at tackling pollution on the Sudbury river and ask the question, ‘Are our Rivers Healthy? ‘And we finish with a catchup from Australia’s leading Indigenous systems thinker. What a week and what a lot to learn! All details on individual posts. Join us!!!

Suzanne Simard and David Haskell - Finding the Mother Tree

Suzanne Simard and David Haskell - Finding the Mother Tree

12 Spring Wildflowers You Should Know

12 Spring Wildflowers You Should Know