The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Poetics of Forests: A Conversation with Ellen Bass and Mary Evelyn Tucker

The Poetics of Forests: A Conversation with Ellen Bass and Mary Evelyn Tucker

The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, and Orion Magazine present the fifth event in a series to celebrate Orion’s anthology, Old Growth. “The Poetics of Forests” features a conversation between the award-winning poet Ellen Bass (“Indigo and Like a Beggar”) and Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-author of “Journey of the Universe” and co-director of Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology.
The event centers on a dialogue around the poetic dimensions of forests, including how the old growth forests near Ellen Bass’s home in Santa Cruz have inspired her own work, and how poetry as a genre can help give form to the many socio-cultural meanings of the forest.

Time: 17:00 GMT

Growing peat free - hear the latest research from the RHS

Growing peat free - hear the latest research from the RHS

Interview with LILA Honour Award 2022 winner Gilles Clément

Interview with LILA Honour Award 2022 winner Gilles Clément