The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Impact of European Colonialism on Global Plant Redistribution

The Impact of European Colonialism on Global Plant Redistribution

European colonialism left a lasting imprint on the global distribution of alien floras; this Linnaen Society talk by Bernd Lenzner will explore some of the reasons. The redistribution of alien species worldwide accelerated with the start of European colonialism. European powers were responsible for the deliberate and accidental transportation, introduction and establishment of alien species throughout their occupied territories and the metropolitan state. These activities left a lasting imprint on the global distribution of alien plants as we observe them today.
Recently we could show that the compositional similarity of the alien floras among regions that once were occupied by the same European empire is higher than expected by chance. In addition, this floristic similarity increases the longer a region was occupied. Besides affiliation and time, historically more economically or strategically important regions have more similar alien floras across regions occupied by an empire.
Overall, we find that European colonial history is still detectable in alien floras worldwide and this talk will explore some of the underlying reasons for that.

Time: 18:00 GMT

Eye Love Roses; my journey growing roses, by Daniel Myhill

Eye Love Roses; my journey growing roses, by Daniel Myhill

Unforgettable Gardens - The Gardens of Harewood House

Unforgettable Gardens - The Gardens of Harewood House