The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Golden Afternoon Of Gardens And Artists - Gertrude Jekyll

The Golden Afternoon Of Gardens And Artists - Gertrude Jekyll

The decades before the First World War are often referred to as the Golden Afternoon of gardening. They were also the Golden Afternoon of garden painting. Although they dropped out of favour for most of the 20th century there has been a revival of interest in the last 30 years or so and we’re sure you’ll see why. We shall echo Roy Strong who saw himself looking at their work and “sauntering past immemorial yew hedges to linger over a herbaceous border before ascending ancient stone steps leading through a weathered iron gate to who knows where.” Before she became a garden designer, Gertrude Jekyll studied painting and undertook expeditions in Europe and North Africa. This training was influential when weakening eyesight caused her to switch from using paint to using plants for her picture making. She is celebrated for her painterly approach to drifting borders and gardens. Amongst her friends was the doyenne of cottage scenes, Helen Allingham, who also captured the colourful glories of Jekyll’s long border at Munstead Wood. Presented by David Marsh and Caroline Holmes.

Time: 10:00 GMT

Garsington, Rodmell and Sissinghurst: Three Sanctuaries

Garsington, Rodmell and Sissinghurst: Three Sanctuaries

Nurture: Challenging the perceptions of horticulture

Nurture: Challenging the perceptions of horticulture