The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Garden of Tomorrow Festival: We Are Nature

The Garden of Tomorrow Festival: We Are Nature

The Garden of Tomorrow is a collective of positive disruptors, activists, artists and organisations, who believe in the power of creativity and collaboration to make a change, and believe in a future where we are a part of Nature, not apart from it.
Presented by House of Hackney, The Garden of Tomorrow Festival is a think tank for change. It is a place where we plant and cultivate ideas, inspiration and hope for the future.

From radical roots to practical action, this not-for-profit 3 day event is open to all who want to fight for change in the face of the climate emergency.
Inspired by the recent #WeAreNature campaign, which is petitioning to change all major UK dictionary definitions of ‘nature’ to include humans, the festival hopes to bridge the gap between ourselves and the natural world. The aim is to help co-create a vision for a Nature-centric society which benefits all. Through panels, workshops, spoken word, art and music, it will inspire and incubate collaborative ideas and collective impact which will be translated into practical ways to move towards this societal shift.

Time: 13-15 June, 10:00 BST*vy494l*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDA3NjE5NzIyLjE3MTgwMDgxMzM.*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTcxODAwODEzMi4xLjAuMTcxODAwODEzMi4wLjAuMA..

Paul Stamets - Solutions from the Underground

Paul Stamets - Solutions from the Underground

Designing Landscape-led SuDS

Designing Landscape-led SuDS