The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Earliest Botanic Gardens in the Middle East by Shahina Ghazanfar

The Earliest Botanic Gardens in the Middle East by Shahina Ghazanfar

Join the London Natural History Society and Shahina Ghazanfar and discover The Earliest Botanic Gardens in the Middle East. This talk will look at these gardens and their role in the conservation of plants of historical and cultural importance. These gardens were pleasure gardens attached to temples and palaces planted with exotic trees or funerary gardens, where symbolic or ritualistic plants were planted. Over time, gardens became more sophisticated with complex watering systems with exotic trees and shrubs including fruit trees. Further development included physic gardens and botanic gardens where fruit plants were sought out and brought from long distances to be cultivated.

Time: 18:30 BST

Art of the Garden: Niall Hobhouse in conversation with Penelope Hobhouse

Art of the Garden: Niall Hobhouse in conversation with Penelope Hobhouse

Mass mindfulness - Jan van Kessel's nature tables

Mass mindfulness - Jan van Kessel's nature tables