The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Crevice Garden

The Crevice Garden

A crevice garden replicates the environmental conditions of mountain tops, deserts, coastlines, and other exposed or rocky places on earth. These striking garden features provide perfect conditions for the plants native to these far-off places, bringing the cultivation of these precious gems within everybody’s reach. In the book, The Crevice Garden, enthusiastic experts Kenton Seth and Paul Spriggs bring us in-depth guidance on the design, construction, and planting of crevice gardens of all kinds including those suitable for containers, small gardens, and public parks and in styles that encompass both naturalistic scenes and non-traditional installations. In this talk, Paul will discuss all aspects of rock and crevice gardening, including history, design, construction, and of course, lots of photos of Paul's favorite plants.

Time: 14:00 EST/19:00 GMT

A talk on ‘Plant Fragrances and Sustainability’ by Simon Constantine

A talk on ‘Plant Fragrances and Sustainability’ by Simon Constantine

Why Plant a Tree?

Why Plant a Tree?