The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

The Conversation – Plants and people: the art of living together

The Conversation – Plants and people: the art of living together

The stories of plants and people are connected in countless ways. Humans have always needed and loved plants, but we have also caused untold destruction on environments around the globe. In this fourth event in the series presented by @statelibraryqld and @theconversationau, leading experts from around Australia will inform and inspire audiences in a thought-provoking online discussion.
Join Eddie Game (The Nature Conservancy), Tanja Beer (Queensland College of Art), Prudence Gibson (UNSW) and Laura Skates (UWA) for a passionate discussion about people's interactions with plants across social, emotional, scientific and creative endeavours. What is the relationship between plant studies and the arts? What innovative methods can we turn to when cities need greening, environments need preserving, and humans find themselves unable to connect with nature? And what role can technologies play in understanding plants and working towards sustainable futures?

Time 9:30 BST

Cornwall: changing the scene for pollinators and people

Cornwall: changing the scene for pollinators and people

Stuart-Smith Gardens in Hertfordshire

Stuart-Smith Gardens in Hertfordshire