The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Talking Plants - Doug Baker

Talking Plants - Doug Baker

In this Talking Plants event, Doug Baker from Arcadia Landscape Design will talk about his and Charlotte’s garden and how it is inspired by the beauty and diversity of natural plant communities, they are creating a Naturalistic garden in a former grazing field. It’s a garden where the boundaries of what’s wild and what’s cultivated are less immediately obvious than is usual. Doug will explain their approach to the design and management of the plantings, and examine how an understanding of plant strategies and ecological processes has guided them.
Doug will also consider some of the limitations of applying ecological approaches to a garden setting, and the role of the gardener themselves in the garden ecosystem.
Time: 19:30 BST

Agroforestry: Wakelyns Farm Martin Wolfe

Agroforestry: Wakelyns Farm Martin Wolfe

Visit to Melcourt Factory, Tetbury

Visit to Melcourt Factory, Tetbury