The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Sustainability Through Biodegradation

Sustainability Through Biodegradation

Are you curious about how microbes are involved in creating a more sustainable world? Those tiny, often-overlooked organisms hold a remarkable secret — the power to break down chemicals through biodegradation. Imagine a world where plastics and other challenging compounds, often seen as environmental villains, could be transformed into environmentally-friendly products. Joyful Microbes podcast chats with Dr. Jhonatan Hernandez Valdes to discuss how these microbes are revolutionizing our approach to sustainability. He shares about his role as a microbiologist at Nouryon, investigating and understanding how microbes degrade chemicals in the environment. Ultimately, his research aims to help in developing more environmentally friendly products.

Noel on the future of ecological planting

Noel on the future of ecological planting

BGHG Study Day - Water in Modern Designed Landscapes

BGHG Study Day - Water in Modern Designed Landscapes