The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Root Evolution Revisited

Root Evolution Revisited

There is no denying that roots are one of the most important organs on a plant. However, unless its an epiphyte, root activity takes place underground, largely out of site and out of mind. This has not stopped In Defence of Plants podcast's guest today from trying to understand the origin and evolution of these amazing structures. They revisit a conversation with plant evolutionary biologist Dr. Sandy Hetherington whose work spans hundreds of millions of years of root history. Join them to explore the early days of root evolution and learn how things like fungal symbionts and a lack of organic matter set the course for root evolution. As you will hear, this work also relies heavily on museum and herbarium collections, underscoring the importance of preserving these important data goldmines.

Grow Urban Festival London, 8-16 June

Grow Urban Festival London, 8-16 June

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Dryopteris (hardy cvs.), Polystichum (hardy cvs.) - Devon

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Dryopteris (hardy cvs.), Polystichum (hardy cvs.) - Devon