The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Reworlding: Regenerating

Reworlding: Regenerating

How do we co-create our world with other species, and how are artists working with these beings in response to ecological instability? This episode of Serpentine podcast Reworlding, reflects on the need for reconnection, healing and regeneration, and showcases art that celebrates our connection to a wider web of life and plays an active role in nurturing other lifeforms.
This episode features: Dr Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Kamala Ibrahim Ishag, and Sarah Hamed; audio from Hans Ulrich Obrist & guest fauna; music by Sulafa Elyas; 12 Dreams as Coral Hair, a sound work by Yussef Agbo-Ola; Es Devlin and Apichatpong Weerasethakul reading their contributions to 140 Artists’ Ideas for Planet Earth, and contributions from Yube Huni Kuin and Mashã Huni Kuin, agroforestry agents with AMAAIAC (from Maria Thereza Alves’s Back to Earth project, To See the Forest Standing).
"I see how this organism fits into another, and that’s deep space and time happening in front of me. I want humans to recognise that the living world is completely sublime, and to experience seeing how extraordinary everything around us is." – Dr Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg.

Sustainable Places: Climate Adapted Cities

Sustainable Places: Climate Adapted Cities

Urban Ecology: Approaches for Environmental + Social Justice

Urban Ecology: Approaches for Environmental + Social Justice