The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Restoring the Little Things that Run the World with Doug Tallamy

Restoring the Little Things that Run the World with Doug Tallamy

Entomologist, ecologist and conservationist, Doug Tallamy will deliver a talk titled, “Restoring the Little Things that Run the World.” A recent UN report predicts that as many as 1 million species will disappear from planet earth because of human activities. Many of these are insects and nearly all species at risk rely on insects. Insects have already declined 45% since 1974. The alarming part of this statistic is that most people don’t appear to have noticed, despite the fact that a world without insects will be a world without humans!
So, how do we create beautiful landscapes brimming with life – landscapes that support the butterflies, caterpillars, bees, beetles and other insects that run the ecosystems we depend on? Tallamy will remind us of the essential roles insects play, and describe the simple changes we must make in our landscapes and our attitudes to keep insects on the ground, in the air and yes, on our plants.

Time: 15:00 BST

Simon Toomer - What should a botanical garden look like?

Simon Toomer - What should a botanical garden look like?

Open Day - National Collection of Persicaria virginiana and Pseudopanax

Open Day - National Collection of Persicaria virginiana and Pseudopanax