The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

reFrame : Weaving Indigenous Perspectives in Design

reFrame : Weaving Indigenous Perspectives in Design

Exploring the embodied, situated, social, speculative and reflective orientation of design as a relational practice that can learn from and be deepened by an acknowledgment of Indigenous knowing and being. Part of the reFrame program, this online panel discussion will explore how an Indigenous lens can productively reframe colonial or modernist perspectives on design research, education and professional practice. Reference to existing Indigenous methodologies, research projects and case studies will frame the conversation before opening up for an interactive discussion. Part of Melbourne Design Week 2021
Dr Tristan Schultz. Tristan, Gamilaroi Aboriginal and European Australian, is the Director of Relative Creative, a leading strategic design agency, Honorary Adjunct Fellow at UTS and Honorary Principal Research Fellow at RMIT.
Professor Lisa Grocott. Lisa, Ngati Kahungunu and Pakeha New Zealander, is the research lead of the Future of Work and Learning program in Monash's Emerging Technologies Research Lab and the Director of WonderLab.
Dr Desiree Hernandez Ibinarriaga, Desiree, Mayan, Aztec and Basque Mexican, is a critical co-designer and researcher within Monash's Wominjeka Djeembana Lab.

07:00 BST

Sir Charles Burrell – Rewilding at Knepp Castle, West Sussex

Sir Charles Burrell – Rewilding at Knepp Castle, West Sussex

Astounding Asteraceas, by Andrew Ward

Astounding Asteraceas, by Andrew Ward