The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Changing Climate: Plant Physiology, Forest Ecology, & the Carbon Cycle

Changing Climate: Plant Physiology, Forest Ecology, & the Carbon Cycle

Climate change has the potential to massively disrupt terrestrial ecosystem productivity, impacting biodiversity and ecosystem services, and driving Earth’s forests to release carbon into the atmosphere, which would further exacerbate climate change. Critically, the physiological mechanisms underpinning forest responses to climate are not fully understood due to complex interactions between climate, tree physiology, and community ecology. Dr. Anna Trugman leverages plant physiological observations, large observational databases, and trait-based ecosystem models to understand the physiological and ecological unknowns underlying observed patterns of disturbance and drought-driven mortality, which can have major carbon cycle consequences. Anna then highlights strengths and limitations in each approach and processes uncertainties exposed by this hierarchy of techniques.

Time: 15:00 GMT

Captured Sunshine: Productivity and Energy Flow of Tropical Rainforests

Captured Sunshine: Productivity and Energy Flow of Tropical Rainforests

Joan Morgan - An iconic fruit: the Apple

Joan Morgan - An iconic fruit: the Apple