Plant Nurseries in England - Norwich Nurserymen
The great designed landscapes and gardens of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries are familiar to many, but far less so are the supply chains and logistics which enabled their creation. The provincial nursery industries which operated across the country in this period were fundamental to the creation of these vast design schemes, often supplying tens of thousands of plants to single estates in single orders. The Norwich Nursery was one of the largest nurseries in eastern England, connected to many of the notable estates and designed landscapes in the region, and yet these great logistical feats remain missing from many of our accounts of garden history. Following the Norwich Nursery’s extensive paper trail through the contemporary local press, we can piece together this regional giant of horticultural supply. Louise Crawley will explore the significance of the connection to Norwich, the vital demand from villa owners and ‘polite society’, as well as the logistical operation of a large provincial nursery as it transformed dramatically over the century.
Time: 18:00 BST