The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Iconic C20 Landscapes - Fieldend

Iconic C20 Landscapes - Fieldend

When a group of young, well-informed and idealistic architect-designers and developers founded Span in the early 1950s their vision was to 'span the gap between the suburban monotony of the typical speculative development and the architecturally designed, individually built residence that has become (for all but few) financially unattainable’. It set out to create an inspiring environment and provide an alternative way of life that promoted a community spirit. While the British context of this has been well explored in Barbara Simms's book Eric Lyons and Span (2006), by selecting one of their developments at Fieldend, Jan Woudstra compares and contrasts some selected international theories and examples regarding landscapes for housing, and the way they foresaw design for community development. This is contrasted with some remarks on present-day housing.

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Phytopoetics: Domestic Biosemiotics against Plant Objectification & Capitalism

Phytopoetics: Domestic Biosemiotics against Plant Objectification & Capitalism

Lambeth Wilds: Plants and Care

Lambeth Wilds: Plants and Care