Peter Korn - Wildly-inspired, Climate-tough, High Diversity Plantings
Ever since falling in love with plants Peter Korn has tried to understand what makes a plant establish in the specific place where it occurs in the wild. This is why, guided by 20 years of experimentation at his self-made five-acre, botanic garden in Eskilsby, he has been able to recreate the conditions to grow thousands of species where the soil is too acidic and low-nutrient for most plants.
Peter discusses how we can plant for the future by creating sand beds: by using poor soil or sand it is possible to create very low maintenance, irrigation-free plantings that will thrive in a warmer and drier future. He illustrates his talk with a wide range of international projects from city parks to gardens, roundabouts, meadows and school yards, from insect habitats, to rain gardens, green walls and roof gardens for cities with limited space.
He also discusses the benefits of growing your own plants and the trial beds at Klinta Trädgård near Malmö where he and his partner Julia Andersson are now based and have built a visionary sequence of gardens as well as a specialized plant nursery for Peter’s projects.