The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Permaculture syntropics - Erik van Zuilekom (United Natures)

Permaculture syntropics - Erik van Zuilekom (United Natures)

A garden is never finished. It's going to change throughout the year, and the seasons. It should be getting better over time instead of worse.
And it should also provide you with multiple yields, whether that's a food crop, supporting biodiversity, reducing soil salinity, providing shade, making the space appear larger, or simply bringing you joy.
It's easy to roll your eyes when you hear terms like "sustainability" or "nature-based solutions". They've become cliches used by companies to greenwash, and individuals to virtue signal. But these ideas have real value when you look beyond the greenwashing.
Erik van Zuilekom is a plant scientist, permaculturist, landscape designer, and plant selection specialist who has come on the show to help us think deeply about landscape design, construction, and maintenance from a permaculture syntropics perspective.
Plants Grow Here podcast goes beyond the typical surface-level discussion and goes deep into topics like growing soil, tissue culture vs seed-propagated plants, green walls, terraforming, irrigation, and much, much more.

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Geranium phaeum cvs. & primary hybrids - Leicestershire

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Geranium phaeum cvs. & primary hybrids - Leicestershire

Italian Renaissance Gardens

Italian Renaissance Gardens