The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Other Voices in Garden History - Contested Landscapes

Other Voices in Garden History - Contested Landscapes

Contested Landscapes: Race and the English Rural Countryside Space by @maxwellayamba. Using his ethnographic work as co-founder of the Black Men Walking Group, and founder of the charity @sheffieldenvironmental, @maxwellayamba will shed light on how the notion of race affects use of countryside spaces. He will explore how the racialisation of spaces has, as argued by @finneysmojo, ‘the power to determine who actually participates in environmental related activities, whose voices are heard in environmental debates’. The lecture will consider how narratives of the English countryside rural space are so linked with the concept of Englishness that the presence of minorities can be seen as a dissolution of the English national identity and will examine arguments that membership of racial groups is ingrained in the structures of colonialism and imperialism. Event hosted by @thegardenstrust

Time: 18:00 BST

Jane Balfour Lecture - The Renaissance Gardens of Florence and Fiesole

Jane Balfour Lecture - The Renaissance Gardens of Florence and Fiesole

Behind the Scenes at Great Dixter- June

Behind the Scenes at Great Dixter- June