The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Other Voices in Garden History - Collecting with Lao Chao

Other Voices in Garden History - Collecting with Lao Chao

For years, the curators of museums and living collections, and their visitors, have been programmed to respond to and expect tales of the grand, death-defying adventures of our collectors, rather than the realities and injustices of what really happened on expeditions. In this lecture, @tivsh23 will use the archives of the Royal Horticultural Society and the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh to explore the escapades of well-known plant hunters from the perspective of others on their teams, and to discuss where credit should lie for the plant collections that have a huge impact on what is grown in our gardens today. The main focus of the lecture will be the Scottish botanist and plant hunter George Forrest (1873 - 1932) and will examine the role played by the teams of local Naxi people whom he employed to collect, process and label specimens. It will give voice to team leader Zhao Chengzhang and those who worked alongside him, acknowledging their valuable work and tenacity.

Time: 18:00 BST @thegardenstrust

LI Webinar: Managing Surface Water: Busting the Myths About SuDS

LI Webinar: Managing Surface Water: Busting the Myths About SuDS

Ian Hamilton Finlay's Little Sparta: An Artist's Garden

Ian Hamilton Finlay's Little Sparta: An Artist's Garden