The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Japanese Gardens - Tokachi Millennium Forest

Japanese Gardens - Tokachi Millennium Forest

Gardens Trust talk with Dan Pearson discussing the design and development of the Tokachi Millennium Forest and gardens including the big thinking required to engage with such a large and unfamiliar site to a detailed examination of its cultivated areas. He will look at how traditional Japanese cultural practices have guided and influenced the process from nature worship and animism, the Japanese calendar of 72 seasons, the concept of satoyama as a guiding principle in the forest, and the use of traditional Japanese garden design methods such as shakkei, the borrowed view. He will also consider how a very naturalistic strand of European garden and planting design which prizes respect for the environment and ecology came to find a new natural home in Japan.

Time: 18:30 GMT

365 Days of Colour, by Nick Bailey

365 Days of Colour, by Nick Bailey

Sylvester Baxter Lecture: Teresa Moller “A Moment of Silence"

Sylvester Baxter Lecture: Teresa Moller “A Moment of Silence"