The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Novel Plant Communities: A Real World Approach to Managing Spontaneous Vegetation

Novel Plant Communities: A Real World Approach to Managing Spontaneous Vegetation

NDAL session with Jack Ahern & Larry Weaner
Spontaneously occurring plants and plant communities are typically either eliminated or neglected. Our two presenters will discuss more nuanced and selective approaches for managing the mix of native and exotic species that typically colonize our urban and suburban landscapes.
Part 1: Jack Ahern will discuss prevailing and alternative attitudes towards invasive exotic plants. He will also discuss ways to influence spontaneous vegetation in a manner that is both desirable and attainable including soil/substrate issues, selective removal methods, adaptive management, and managing public expectations.
Part 2: Larry Weaner will show how an understanding of the life cycles, proliferation strategies, and environmental vulnerabilities of plants, desirable and undesirable, can help practitioners more effectively influence the vegetative trajectory of spontaneous plant assemblages.

Time: 13:00 EDT/18:00 BST

Cassian walks us around Hermannshof

Cassian walks us around Hermannshof

Harris Bugg Studio: Respecting the Spirit of Place

Harris Bugg Studio: Respecting the Spirit of Place