The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Meadowcraft Across Regions: Native Plant Communities Meet Globalized Vegetation

Meadowcraft Across Regions: Native Plant Communities Meet Globalized Vegetation

NDAL session featuring Stephanie Frischie (Upper Midwest & Spain), Eric Lee Mäder (Pacific NW) & Larry Weaner (Eastern U.S.) Each speaker will discuss native meadow establishment techniques that are unique to their specific region, as well as the disturbed landscapes and invasive plants that they all commonly encounter. Our accomplished group of presenters will illustrate protocols for site analysis, plant selection, initial establishment, and management that optimize the competitive advantage of native meadow and prairie species. Finally, they will highlight the importance of understanding each site's native diversity potential, allowing practitioners to align their goals with what can actually be achieved. The program will conclude with a panel where all three presenters will compare notes, field questions and comments, and discuss new research that is affecting the future horizons of meadow restoration.

Time: 13:00 EDT/17:00 GMT

'The New Way to Garden: Gardening in the future' by Doug Stewart

'The New Way to Garden: Gardening in the future' by Doug Stewart

Scouse Flowerhouse

Scouse Flowerhouse