The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Pioneering Sound Art with Bernhard Leitner

Pioneering Sound Art with Bernhard Leitner

Bernhard Leitner talks about his sound spaces. Rather than the sound being seen as something existing in space, Leitner describes his work in creating spaces with sounds. Using the “vocabulary of sound,” Leitner discusses how he uses sound to create new worlds, and how sound can be a tool of design itself rather than an afterthought.

Bernhard Leitner is a Viennese artist, who after initially working with the New York Department of City Planning, taught at New York University and the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. He was been working with sound since the 1960s, and includes physical-acoustic analyses on experiences of spaces that are formed, designed, and composed with sound, as well as research on how three-dimensional movements of sounds shape new architectural spaces.

Walled Garden Festival at Bangor Castle

Walled Garden Festival at Bangor Castle

Behind the Scenes at Prairie Moon Nursery

Behind the Scenes at Prairie Moon Nursery