The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Magical Moss Plants

Magical Moss Plants

Part of a series: Where Plants and People Meet by the South London Botanical Institute in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London

Join a workshop delving into the intriguing world of mosses, often ignored but incredibly resilient plants. Mosses have a unique ability to adapt to changes in their environment. We’ll explore how we can interact with moss colonies and use technology to enhance their responses. Through this exploration, we aim to foster a deeper connection between humans and plants, providing a new perspective on our relationship with the natural world.

Participants will have the chance to enhance their understanding of mosses and their reactions to shifts in environmental conditions, like moisture and temperature. They will engage in a conversation, exchange their insights, and contribute to a collaborative, interactive artefact. In person at SLBI, Tulse Hill, London.

Time: 10:30 BST

Tour & Tasting @ Farm.One, Brooklyn's Hydroponic Farm

Tour & Tasting @ Farm.One, Brooklyn's Hydroponic Farm

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Clematis viticella cvs., Lapageria rosea (& named cvs.) - Cornwall

Plant Heritage Open day and National Collection of Clematis viticella cvs., Lapageria rosea (& named cvs.) - Cornwall