The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Landscapes of the Mind

Landscapes of the Mind

The impact of Covid and lockdowns on mental health has raised the importance of urban green spaces. New York’s High Line is one of the most iconic green spaces in that city, and its designer, James Corner of Field Operations, explains how demand for green spaces has increased during the pandemic. He's working on a similar High Line project for Camden, with a design for a ‘garden in the sky’ running along a rail track. Camden High Line’s CEO Simon Pitkeathley describes the challenge and potential of using disused track alongside existing trains and its potential to provide green space access for those living along the projected route.
The benefits of landscape for physical and mental well-being through history are described by Catharine Ward Thompson, Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Edinburgh. She discusses research showing that visits to green space and parks have increased as people recognised the benefit for their mental health of getting into green and natural environments. But inequalities exist between those with green space nearby and those from lower socio-economic groups who had less access.
The public health value of urban green space in response to epidemics is described by Sara Jensen Carr, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. She recounts how urban parks such as New York’s Central Park were designed to help with physical and mental health.
The restorative potential of urban green space is described by Jenny Roe, Professor and Director of the Center for Design and Health at the University of Virginia.

Ken Yeang - Eco-architect and visionary

Ken Yeang - Eco-architect and visionary

Black Outdoors Book Series Celebration

Black Outdoors Book Series Celebration