The hub is a resource for the garden and landscape design community, focusing on creative and sustainable ideas and practices.

The hub is curated by Humaira Ikram and Darryl Moore, and is supported by Cityscapes.

Lichens and Lichenology

Lichens and Lichenology

What are lichens, and what stories can they tell us? Dr @gothamieweerakoon, Senior Curator Lichens and Slime Moulds, @natural_history_museum will describe what lichens are and talk about how they are collected and studied.
Her main responsibility as the Senior Curator of British, General and Historical herbaria is to manage and develop one of the world’s largest lichen collections, lichenicolous fungi and slime moulds with app. 450,000 specimens.
She is interested in making the collections available for both scientific and historical research and has spent much time in the field in South and South East Asia observing lichens in their native habitats and described more than 75 new lichen species, mostly in Graphidaceae from the Old World tropics, during this time she has been privileged to visit many countries and to work with many colleagues overseas.

Time: 19:00 BST


Intro to Butterfly ID

Intro to Butterfly ID

Kim Wilkie - The English Landscape Revolution

Kim Wilkie - The English Landscape Revolution